Cat Dental Care
When you bring your cat in for their annual preventative exam, the doctor will take a peek at the gums and teeth while they’re here.
What Does Dental Health Do To Improve The Overall Wellbeing Of My Cat?
The short-ish answer is, like with humans, if tooth dental care goes untreated for a long period of time, that can cause cavities. It can cause damage to the teeth, let alone the gums, all of which, in essence, can cause inflamed gums, bleeding, and overall discomfort. You’ll notice that they are not interested in eating as much, and there might be drooling. In general, a clean mouth without any decay or damaged teeth is a happy mouth. That is the long/short of that answer. However, at your next visit, if you have additional questions, please ask. We would love to talk about your cat’s dental health.
What Types Of Dental Care Can I Do At Home?
I’m going to start with the golden rule. The number one best thing you can do to keep your cat’s mouth healthy is daily brushing. I’m not going to lie; that is very challenging for most, if not all, cat parents. Unless you’ve started doing it at the beginning while it was a young kitten and you have gotten them accustomed to dental cleaning, most cats aren’t going to enjoy that sensation.
I’m not saying your cat doesn’t, and I encourage you to try because this would be the best option for them. To start with, there are cat-friendly, small, soft-bristled toothbrushes. With that, you will also add cat-only toothpaste, like something that’s chicken, tuna, or malt flavored. Do not use human toothpaste. I repeat. Do not use human toothpaste; only animal-approved toothpaste. Honestly, you’re going to do your best. You’re going to take the toothpaste-covered toothbrush and then go on each tooth, gently doing circular motions or a little downward flick on all teeth. You’re going to do that on both sides and, again, daily.
There are other options for us who can’t achieve that. There are products you can add to their water, water additives for dental care, and dental treats. Most people are familiar with Greenies. They make them for cats as well. Another product on the market that I see good results with, so I like to remind clients, is called PlaqueOff. It is a seaweed or kelp-based additive that you add to their food. There is a powdered form or a treat form. The idea is that kelp changes the chemical composition in the mouth when it mixes with the saliva, making your cat’s teeth an unfriendly place for bacteria and calculus to live and thrive. That’s something that you can consider trying as well.
As always, please let us know if there’s something you’re thinking about using. We’ll gladly give you advice on that because the world of dental care is growing, which is exciting, but you may have some questions along the way about how to use it best.
What Are Some Signs And Symptoms Of Issues In Dental Health In My Cat?
We’ve already talked about some, so we’ll reiterate them here. I’ll give you a list so you can keep these topics in mind. Tartar and plaque, periodontal disease, tooth resorption, loose teeth, drooling, decreased appetite, swollen and bleeding gums, and the one that brings every cat parent in is bad breath. All of those things, either singularly or all together, are a sign that your cat needs to come in and have a dental procedure done.
What Are Some Possible Conditions Caused By Poor Cat Dental Care, And What Are The Treatments?
I’m going to leave it vague because, honestly, every cat is different. I’m going to end with if you suspect that your cat is having any health issues related to their mouth or overall non-interest in food, drooling, pawing at their mouth, or a very foul odor coming from the mouth, book an appointment right away. The sooner we can get it addressed, the better, and hopefully, we can prevent any serious conditions down the road for your pet.
If you still have other questions and you’d like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (317) 721-7387, or you can email us at But please do reach out, and we’ll get back to you as fast as we can. Don’t forget to follow us on social media,
How Do Veterinarians Diagnose Dental Problems In Cats?
That’s a great question. When you bring your cat in for their annual preventative exam, the doctor will take a peek at the gums and teeth while they’re here. We’re checking for the grade of the severity of the dental disease present. We are looking for any signs of cancer or broken or damaged teeth. It is at that point that you will have your veterinarian more urgently tell you that you need to have that annual dental cleaning scheduled. When you see the doctor peeking in their mouth, they are looking for dental health at that time.