Dog Vaccinations
Vaccinations are really important to help protect your dog against viruses they may encounter in their everyday lives.
How Do Vaccinations Impact The Health And Wellbeing Of My Dog?
Vaccinations are really important to help protect your dog against viruses they may encounter in their everyday lives, like when they’re going for their walks or meeting new people or new dogs. It helps protect them from any exposure they may have outside in the real world.
Are Vaccinations Required By Law?
The only vaccination that’s required by Indiana state law is the rabies vaccination. However, we still highly recommend that you get the core vaccinations for your dog, including Bordetella, leptospirosis, and distemper.
How Do Veterinarians Diagnose Dental Problems In Cats?
That’s a great question. When you bring your cat in for their annual preventative exam, the doctor will take a peek at the gums and teeth while they’re here. We’re checking for the grade of the severity of the dental disease present. We are looking for any signs of cancer or broken or damaged teeth. It is at that point that you will have your veterinarian more urgently tell you that you need to have that annual dental cleaning scheduled. When you see the doctor peeking in their mouth, they are looking for dental health at that time.
Does My Dog’s Lifestyle At All Factor Into What Vaccines Are Recommended?
For dogs going to high-risk facilities such as doggy daycares, groomers, or boarding facilities, some of those places may recommend additional vaccinations, like the canine influenza virus, and we can happily give that vaccination here.
How Soon Should My Dog Get Vaccinated?
If your dog is not fully vaccinated yet, we recommend calling us, and we can schedule an appointment as soon as possible.
Do I Really Need To Avoid Allowing My Puppy To Be Socialized With Other Dogs Until They Are Fully Vaccinated?
It’s important to wait two weeks after their last round of boosters so that the puppy’s immune system is fully protected against any type of exposure event that other dogs or people can give them. It will help protect your puppy.
If you still have other questions and you’d like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at 317-721-7387, or you can email us at But please do reach out, and we’ll get back to you as fast as we can. Don’t forget to follow us on social media,
Why Is It Important To Avoid Missing Dog Vaccines?
Just like with humans, viruses are always changing. So when we have our flu shot, we have to get our flu shot every year because the influenza virus changes every year. Dog viruses like Bordetella also change every year, and it’s important to have those updated yearly.
What Would You Say A Typical Puppy And Dog Vaccine Schedule Looks Like?
For a puppy, we recommend starting around six to eight weeks of age and getting boosters every three to four weeks until they are 18 to 20 weeks of age. You may not have the same vaccines yearly for dogs because some vaccines go every three years while others go yearly. If they’re coming in every year, there will always be a vaccine that needs to be updated.
What Diseases Are Prevented By Vaccines?
The most common ones that are prevented by our vaccines that you’ll see are leptospirosis, kennel cough, which is from the Bordetella vaccine, rabies, parvovirus, influenza, Lyme disease, and heartworm.